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Zadara VPSA Object Storage White Paper


Learn more about virtual private storage arrays Object Storage, Zadara's simple, easy to use, and well-protected solution for storing multimedia data, big data, or archiving data of any sort.

Cloud providers using Zadara’s technology can now offer S3/Swift compatible object storage. Object Storage is simple, easy to use, and well protected solution for storing multimedia data, sensors sampling big data, or archiving data of any sort. Object Storage runs side by side with virtual private storage arrays on Zadara’s clouds, utilizing the same infrastructure, and providing higher value to our customers.

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Fully-managed cloud services - compute, networking, storage and more - designed for service providers and the modern enterprise.

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Enterprise-grade storage.
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Get the enterprise-grade features you expect from a modern storage system: snapshots, high-availability, mirroring, dedicated resources, security, and more. Pay only for what you use.

Any data type. Any protocol.
Any location. Anytime.

Block, file, and object storage. NFS, CIFS, FC, iSCSI, iSER, S3, Swift protocols. Create a storage solution tailored to your needs. In the cloud or on premises. Scale up or down on demand.

Fully-managed service.
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